
Sunny St George!

The sun does exist!!! There for awhile we were starting to believe that this alleged sun was only a mythical magical creature that existed only in the land of fairy tales... turns out its just 5 hours south!! We headed down to St. George for our annual Rowser family "spring break". It wasn't quite girls gone wild but 2 uninterrupted hours of reading by the pool (for me) and a daily round of golf with the boys (for skyler) was SO much better than topless ladies!!! It was heaven!! The whole family was able to make it this year and despite losing the battle of real bedroom vs. air mattress in the living room, we had a blast!! Ally, Reese, and Kenadee had a ball playing together for 4 days straight! since we've been home Kenadee has been so bored by herself! All she talks about are her cousins! It was a much needed release from the everyday grind and we hope to find the sun in Morgan soon!!


Amanda and the Bradys said...

wow she is getting so big!!!!

Thurston Fam said...

your getting all pro at this photo shop thing my love. I love Kenadee's face in the first pic! so cute

Anonymous said...

So So cute!! Miss ya CuZ!!

Heather Coon said...

Such talent...Your pictures look awesome ashley! I'm glad your back in the blogging world. By the way i already have a nursery manual, my mom gave it to us for Christmas. THanks anyways its a great idea. And guess what I've started making...APRONS. You might as well call me the apron lady. (I think mine are a little cuter though..)I'll post some pics on my blog.